Saturday, February 16, 2008


What's up everybody? I just wanted to update all you viewers on the changes going on at Your Porn Pal.

The website is under new management now. You can still call me J. Dante. I just want you to know that I'm gonna bring you a lot more updates every day than the previous owner was doing.

I am going to be using Deposit Files for my uploading purposes, and they have a policy of deleting files 30 Days after the last download. So if you see something you wanted that was over 30 Days ago, it is more than likely gone (but check for it just in case).

If a file is gone or does not work, please let me know in the GET AT ME!!! section of the website. You can leave me any requests and/or info about files that you have and I will try my best to fulfill/re-up all of them.

Thanks guys, and please pass on this website to whoever you can. The more traffic equals more updates, that's how these things work.

Please BOOKMARK me so you can quickly visit my page in order to check for new updates every day.

Thanks for all the love and I hope to make this the best free porn site out there.

Thanks again,

J. Dante.

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